NAMA:TIA DWI PERMATASARI NO:34 CLASS:X MIPA 1 STORY TELLING I will explain about the story telling about the surrounding environment such as elementary school (which is related to SDG'S no 4,namely quality education )guard posts,plants,plantations, rice fields. ,shops,tire patches,and houses. this is "elementary school" is a place related to SG'S no 4 namely quality education which is used for teaching and learning for students so that they can have a beautiful future and become the successor of a smart nation.The school is located pager village ,Purwosari,Pasuruan. in the village of Pager there is also a" guard post" which function as a place to guard the village every night so that the village is safe and peaceful. in front of my house there are several" plants" that are diverse which aim to make the house fell more beautiful and comfortable, next to my house there is also a" plantation" there grows a lot of various kinds of plants s...