TEXT RECOUNT
           vacation to Yogyakarta

     One day my family and I went to Yogyakarta to be precise in Nanggulan, Kulon Progo to visit the family there, make a pilgrimage to family meals, visit Borobudur temple and shop for souvenirs in Malioboro. Departs at 20.00 and gets there around 04.00.
   After arriving, the family met the brothers there who had not seen each other for a long time. we all talk and meet each other miss to treat pent up feelings of miss.
   The second day in Yogyakarta my family and I went to Borobudur temple to see its beauty and learn about the historical history of the Borobudur temple. After a walk the family stayed overnight at the house of one of the families in Yogyakarta.
   The third day there, my family and I visited to eat the brothers who were there for pilgrimage and pray. when finished, the family continues to visit families that have not been visited.
   Before going home, on the fourth day, my family and I went shopping by and saw the beauty of Malioboro, which is characterized by street music that entertains Malioboro visitors. And there shopping for Yogyakarta batik clothes. After shopping finally my family and I stayed over again and got ready to go home the next day.
   Before going home as a family we say goodbye to the family there. And always bring lunch or typical Yogya market food to eat on the way home.

Name: Tia dwi permatasari
Class: X MIPA 1


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